Saturday, June 27, 2009

Delorean Update

I promised a little while ago to give another update on my progress and there has been quite a lot of progress since my last post. For the last few weeks I have been in the process of unwrapping, mesh tweeking, zbrushing and texturing and it has been quite an experience. I have never made a car before in 3d and I have learned quite a bit about the do's and donts. Needless to say, I am not going to get into the nitty gritty of it, ill just let you look at the progress. Enjoy! :)


Graphics Janitor said...

Nice interior texturing in progress...the seams on the seats are very convincing, as is the stick shift.

That's a very faithful reproduction of the wheels as well, from what I remember :)

Those doors rock my world.

Are you working with a strictly limited polygon count for this model?

If you can squeeze some more subdivision into key detail areas like the steering wheel it might sell the overall illusion a little better...although that might be a pain since you've already textured it :)

I'm not quite sure what's going on yet with the material used on the exterior of the car (brushed metal?) Maybe just adding a good environment map to the material will do the trick.

Unknown said...

Excellent model! For a long time I searched for good model DeLorean.
Can you please send it on to me It is necessary to me only for converting in game( GTA VICE CITY). Not for commercial use. Thanks.

Stevo said...

Hey there,

Thanks for the compliments and your interest. I am sorry, but I usually do not hand out my work. Good luck on your project! I hope you find a model.